local descriptor tables - определение. Что такое local descriptor tables
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Что (кто) такое local descriptor tables - определение

Global descriptor table; Local Descriptor Table; Local descriptor table
  • Format of a [[segment descriptor]]
Найдено результатов: 2714
Descriptor (chemistry)         
  • 90px
  • 100px
  • 110px
  • 120px
  • Isomerie der '''Aldoxime''': links ein früher als ''syn''-, heute als (''E'')-konfiguriert zu beschreibendes Aldoxim, rechts das entsprechende (''Z'')-  (veraltet: ''anti'')-Isomer.
  • ''cis'' (left) and ''trans'' isomerism (right) in a ring system.
  • 100px
  • ''cis'' (left) and ''trans'' (right) configured double bound: maleic acid and fumaric acid
  • 100px
  • 50px
  • Configuration assignment of the stereo center "X", the substituents are decreasingly prioritized from "A" → "D" according to the CIP rules.
  • Spiro[4.5]decane
  • [[Violet leaf aldehyde]], systematic name (''E'',''Z'')-nona-2,6-dienal, is a compound having one (''E'')- and one (''Z'')-configured double bond
Pseudo-asymmetric carbon atom; Descriptor (Chemistry)
A descriptor is in chemical nomenclature a prefix placed before the systematic substance name, which describes the configuration or the stereochemistry of the molecule. Some listed descriptors are only of historical interest and should not be used in publications anymore as they do not correspond with the modern recommendations of the IUPAC.
Tables game         
  • ''Seis, dos, y as'' from the 13th century [[Libro de los juegos]]
  • Backgammon set from around the 10th century, China
  • nard]] to the Indian [[Raja]]s
  • A tables board found in the shipwreck of the [[Mary Rose]]
  • Vasa]]''.
  • Roman ''[[Ludus duodecim scriptorum]]'' board from the 2nd century, Aphrodisias
  • The situation in Zeno's game of tabula when he had an unlucky dice throw
  • tavla]]'' in [[Turkey]].
  • ''The Backgammon Players'' by [[Theodoor Rombouts]], 1634
Brädspel; Tables (board games); Backgammon variant; Long gammon; Bradspel; Braedspel; Tables board; Tables (board game); Tables (board game family); Tables family; Tables games
Tables games are a class of board game that includes backgammon and which are played on a tables board, typically with two rows of 12 vertical markings called points. Players roll dice to determine the movement of pieces.
Prutenic Tables         
Prussian Tables; Prutenicae Tabulae; Prussian tables; Prutenic tables
The Prutenic Tables ( from Prutenia meaning "Prussia", ), were an ephemeris (astronomical tables) by the astronomer Erasmus Reinhold published in 1551 (reprinted in 1562, 1571 & 1585). They are sometimes called the Prussian Tables after Albert I, Duke of Prussia, who supported Reinhold and financed the printing.
Toledan Tables         
  • language=en}}</ref>
Toledan tables; Tables of toledo; The Toledan Tables; Tables of Toledo; Tabulae Toletanae; Toledo tables; Tabulae Toletanac; Toletan Tables
The Toledan Tables, or Tables of Toledo, were astronomical tables which were used to predict the movements of the Sun, Moon and planets relative to the fixed stars. They were a collection of mathematic tables that describe different aspects of the cosmos including prediction of calendar dates, times of cosmic events, and cosmic motion.
Interrupt descriptor table         
Interrupt Descriptor Table
The Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) is a data structure used by the x86 architecture to implement an interrupt vector table. The IDT is used by the processor to determine the correct response to interrupts and exceptions.
Twelve Tables         
  • lawcode of Gortyn]] in Crete (around 450 BC). This Greek lawcode was inscribed in twelve columns on the inner face of a circular wall. Scholars observed that its content and focus on the private law offers striking parallels with the Twelve Tables<ref>Forsythe, Gary, 2005, ''A Critical History of Early Rome. From Prehistory to the First Punic War'', Berkeley and Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 202-203</ref>
  • Jacques Godefroy
  • Publication of the Twelve Tables in Rome,approx. 2 BC. Drawing by [[Silvestre David Mirys]] (1742-1810); engraved by [[Claude-Nicolas Malapeau]] (1755-1803)
  • Roman civilians examining the Twelve Tables after they were first implemented.
Twelve tables; XII Tables; The Law of the Twelve Tables; Law of the Twelve Tables; 12 tables; Lex duodecim; 12 Tables; Laws of the twelve tables; Lex Duodecim Tabularum; Duodecim Tabulae; The Twelve Tables; Lex XII Tabularum
The Laws of the Twelve Tables was the legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman law. Formally promulgated in 449 BC, the Tables consolidated earlier traditions into an enduring set of laws.
WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs         
WWE Tables, Ladders, and Chairs; WWE Tables, Ladders and Chairs; WWE TLC; WWE Tables, Ladders & Chairs; TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs; TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs; WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders, & Chairs; WWF TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs; TLC:Tables, Ladders & Chairs; WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs (2011); WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs; TLC: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs (2016); WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs; TLC: Tables, Ladders, & Chairs (2016); Tables, Ladders and Chairs (2021); TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2021); TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2022)
WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs was a professional wrestling event produced by WWE, a Connecticut-based promotion. It was broadcast live and available only through pay-per-view (PPV) and the WWE Network.
Descriptor (disambiguation)
<operating system> An integer, string or other small data value which refers to one of several objects allocated to a program by the operating system, usually the kernel. A common example is a Unix file descriptor which is a small integer that identifies an I/O channel. Another example is a reference to an area of memory (e.g. shared memory). Compare capability. (1998-02-06)
Descriptor (disambiguation)
¦ noun an element or term that serves to describe, identify, or index something.
Local purchasing         
Buy local; Local economy; Locavorian; Localized economy; Buy local movement; Spend local
Local purchasing is a preference to buy locally produced goods and services rather than those produced farther away. It is very often abbreviated as a positive goal, "buy local" or "buy locally', that parallels the phrase "think globally, act locally", common in green politics.


Global Descriptor Table

The Global Descriptor Table (GDT) is a data structure used by Intel x86-family processors starting with the 80286 in order to define the characteristics of the various memory areas used during program execution, including the base address, the size, and access privileges like executability and writability. These memory areas are called segments in Intel terminology.